Spring REGISTRATION OPENS - December 12th
Spring REGISTRATION ENDS - January 31st at Midnight
*Age divisions are determined by the US Youth Soccer Age Matrix*
Players must be born between 2006 to 2020
We place players in 2 year combined brackets of U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, U16, and U19.
GIRLS ONLY registration is for birth years 2009 to 2016
December: $85 after $5 Early Bird Discount
January: $90
For any additional sibling players a $5.00 discount will be applied
2024-2025 Age Matrix (pdf)
NTSSA Member Associations and Competitive Clubs:
US Youth is now requiring any player that is 18 years old or will turn 18 years old within the current soccer year to complete SafeSport Certification in order to be added to an official team roster.
This is the same SafeSport course your coaches, managers, and admin have been completing.
This is for recreational and competitive players.
Please remember, the player must log in with their profile log in, not the parent log in. So that player will need their own unique email added to their player profile as the user ID.
Should not be the parent email. Needs to be a valid email. Also need to be sure to use same legal First Name and Last name and that email in safesport when that account is created.
If player does not know their password, they can hit password reset after they have a valid email added to their profile as a user id.
Please submit a support ticket if you have any issues or questions on this.
Link for support ticket: https://system.gotsport.com/forms/J38481972
Thank you,